Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A pumpkin picking we go.

Last Friday I was able to go with John and his class to the pumpkin patch. We had a wonderful time. It was so nice to see him interacting with his classmates. He made me very proud. He is growing up so fast but I am thankful for the sweet little boy that he is!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

So much in so little time!

Well, I was informed by Christina that I need to post new pictures. SO. . .Here is what has happened since my last post.

Julia turned 4 months

Our Sunday best!

We found our halloween costumes.

And we went up north to enjoy the autumn colors, and John went shooting with Grandpa and Daddy! Life IS wonderful!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sweet Sleep Success

Well, for 2 weeks now Julia has been sleeping through the night from 10pm to around 7am. She isn't even waking up for a diaper change! Yay! Last night though was even better! She went to bed around 9:45pm and didn't start talking until 8am! WOW! Yay Julia and yay me and my sleep! Life is wonderful!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sweet Memories of Grandma Dunk

My Grandma Dunk knitted this and gave it to me during my pregnancy with Julia. I received the beautiful sweater and bonnet in March and my grandma passed in May. I am thankful to have something so beautiful from my grandmother. She looks so sweet! I will cherish the memories of my grandma while building new ones with my daughter.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Its a lot I know!

Ok, we have done a lot in the past week or so HERE IT IS!!!!

Just showing is muscles before heading to Church

I don't know if they are putting out fires and sloving crime, or creating their own!!!

She can STARE you down!

My parents went with me to take the boys to the GB carnival while John was in Indy. . . Dylan was too small for the rides. I felt bad for him so he got a nice sugar rush!

John and Grandpa on the bumper cars

Sweet Julia, growing so fast! They are all so sweet and good children!