Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Julia and her ABCs

Julia loves to sing, just like her mama. She is growing a love for listening, singing and dancing to music. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Easter and Nascar

Well, we took the kids to their first nascar race this past weekend. Johns work provided pit passes and junior pit passes so we all got to go into the garages and see the cars up close. I was able to get some really good photos. It was a nice time. . .loud, but nice. Johns dad was able to come down and go to the race with us.

All because John works for Chevy!
Easter photos are a little out of order but you get the idea.
The Easter Bunny hid it in the dryer :)
Dylan was so excited!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring has SpRuNg!

We have been SO BUSY with school, baseball, visitors, trips and just adjusting to life in Virginia. We are making some GREAT memories and loving each experience. Here are some photos of the fun we have had.

Up to Michigan for Spring Break and time with some WONDERFUL childhood friends!
John read Messy Mark for his book parade.
These two CrAcK mE uP!!!!!
There are so many words to describe this photo. Love and Thankful are just 2.
My Rochester friends and people I hold dear to my heart!
I just like this one. Chuck E Cheese with friends
John Michael holding Aiden for the first time
Easter at Papa and Nanas
Uncle Rudy and the lopezs visit Virginia.
She was SO PROUD of herself!

Hope you all are finding your own moments to make memories. We love you ALL!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Visit to NC and from Grandma and Grandpa

We took a weekend and went to Raleigh NC to visit Johns aunt and uncle. We spent the weekend with them, laughed and made some great memories. A few days later, my mom and dad came down for a week. We played outside, went to Monkey Joe's and Johnny Mike got his new glasses. We are enjoying the nice weather and being able to play outside with 60 degrees in March. Virginia is treating us well.

Getting ready to go down the slide at Monkey Joe's.

He is doing SO WELL! What a great smile he has!

They did this for 2 hours, then crashed!

John and Dylan spent the afternoon launching themselves off the driveway, the helmets were needed!!!!

AWE! So Sweet! Love him!
Johns new glasses. Now he REALLY looks like his dad! SO CUTE!

Fun at the park with Aunt Deb and Uncle Phil.

Grant in his racing gear. John spent the day at the track with him.

Michael is probably going to NC State. Deb bought the kids shirts so we needed a photo!

Love you all and hope your days are happy!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Welcome to Virginia

Well, I haven't updated as much as I would like but I don't really know who all checks this thing anyway. In short, We moved out of our home in Michigan, spent Christmas at our parents houses and then moved to Virginia. Not much has happened, just the usual with moving. John is doing his best to adjust to a new school, Dylan LOVES his new school, John is getting the hang of his new job and Julia is helping me at home a lot these days. Here is a random mix of the last few months. Hope everyone is well and please know we love you!