Friday, December 3, 2010

Our Paper Christmas Tree

Since John is in Virginia and we move out of our house in 6 days, we didn't put up any Christmas decorations. I usually have my Tree and trimmings up by night time on Thanksgiving so this has been killing me! SO. . .we made a paper Christmas tree. The kids and I colored ornaments and glued them on. We hung it in the kitchen so we can see it everyday. LOTS of Fun!
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween. We had lots of activities! John had his last soccer game, school parties, Halloween party at my parents house, Trunk or Treat at Church and of course Trick or treating. Lots of photos and lots of fun! Love you all!

Dylans face explains it all! He NEVER lets me take his picture so him posing for this one was GREAT! Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Julia and her new laugh

This laugh started about a week ago. We knew from a very early age that Julia was "ALL GIRL". This video just proves that!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Moving to Richmond VA

I know, LONG over due but better late than never. The title is correct. John is taking a move to Richmond VA. Although sad, we are also excited to see what this adventure holds. I am mostly making this post to catch up on pictures but because I am SO FAR BEHIND, I will only share the most recent. Thanks for those of you who are still checking. . .even if I have neglected the blog for a while! I promise, more to come!


Up north the first weekend in October
Dylans first day of Pre-K

Johns first day of 1st grade

Tigers game in August. I just love this photo~

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter and the Zoo!

We started our Easter on Friday. Went to Johns parents and had Brunch, Easter Egg Hunt, Played outside, family t-ball game, water fight and 75 degree weather. PERFECT! Went back up to GB on Saturday to my parents. Lunch, Easter Egg Hunt, some basketball and zimzam, a potato gun fight, only to come home to no power. Sunday a nice service at church and some down time at home. Monday, the ZOO and 70 degrees. IT WAS ALL SO WONDERFUL!!

On the play area at the zoo

Eating our picnic lunch

Coloring Eggs at Grandma and Grandpas

Easter Sunday

Potato Gun fight with Grandpa

A dress from Miss Tammy. IT finally fits.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Catching up!

It has been way too long for an update! We have had a rough winter like everyone else with illness and crazy schedules. There are a lot of thing we have been able to enjoy among all the crazy stuff so here it is. ENJOY!

Julia one Sunday in a dress from Nana

John and Dylan

Up north and our snowman

Up north Dylan enjoying yogurt covered pretzels!

Dylan carting his sled off the lake
Julia LOVES to paint
John's classroom party for Valentines Day!

Hope you enjoy the pictures! I will try to keep up from now on. Love you all!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas 2009

We were all healthy this year for Christmas and I am thankful for that. Our children were all at great ages to see the spirit of Christmas in their eyes this year. Julia was excited about the presents...You could SEE the spirit of Christmas in Dylan's eyes and John wanted to tell everyone the true meaning of the holidays . It was SO MUCH FUN! A little local traveling, some friends over after the new year and lots of memories! Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday season!

Grandma and Julia
Me and Julia at Papa and Nanas's
Julia got a trunk full of dress up things.
Aunt Sara let Julia try on her boots
John Michael made John a wooden bench at school during their wood workbench time.
Santa brought Dylan drums. . .I love them. . .REALLY!!!
Making cookies for Santa

Santa didn't get this one. She kept telling us Santa Sad. . .cause she ate his cookie!

Again, what a WONDERFUL Christmas it was. Hope you all had a blessed holiday and a happy new year!

Love from the Cox's!