Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Root root root for the Tigers!

We took the boys to their first Tigers Game. John Michael took this picture and did I nice job!

Here is Dylan waiting for the game to start!
This is a good story. . .The Cotton Candy vendor came into our section asking "Cotton Candy, who wants Cotton Candy?" Dylan JUMPED out of his seat and yelled, "I do I do, Me, I want Cotton Candy!" IT WAS PRICELESS! As you see, they got their Cotton Candy.

John was so ExCiTeD!!!

The Tigers came home with a win! The weather was PERFECT! We had a great night.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Fake Cry!

I was trying to get Julia to give me a kiss. . . When she wouldn't I started to fake cry. She then looked at me and proceeded to "fake cry" back! This is just an attempt to get it on tape but you get the picture! I sure do LOVE THIS GIRL!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Beach Bums!

We found Metro Beach and it is WONDERFUL! A great CLEAN beach and a large splash pad all in one! Not too hot and the water was warm. We couldn't have asked for a better day! We burried Dylans feet

We burried JOHN!!!

Julia liked the sand!

Some Serious water guns!

Lady Hollywood!

Daddy and Dylan

Brother and Sister!

John is happy!

Movie night at the Villages!

At the Villages behind our house the had a movie night to come watch Kung Fu Panda which happens to be one of our family faves! We had great weather and a fun time! Snacks, Movie and family!

sticky lips and painted toes!

Julia had her first dum dum sucker this week and she smelled like butterscotch the rest of the day!
SO FUNNY!!!!Her toes we so pretty she had to taste them!

She is making me laugh daily!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fun With Paint!

When John Michael was younger I had a hard time letting go and allowing him to get messy. Now, that is not a problem. We get messy all the time and have fun doing it and I must say. . .I am happy to have let go of that control. The kids have a great time. Today we painted with our feet and then played around to let the leaves get stuck. They had a ball and so did I. HAPPY SUMMER!