This post will have many many pictures because there are just so many good ones. We had a WONDERFUL day with family and friends. Thank you for making it so special. The pictures will tell her story of the beautiful day. We are so thankful for Julia and look forward to the blessings she will bring!

Daddy's Princess!

Are these all for me or the guests too?!!!

What do you think?

Mommy and Julia

Miss Betsy, Me and Aunt Mimi
Cake time!!!
Is this how. . . .?
I don't think so!!!!!!!!
Well, maybe.
Yes, I like cake!
After her bath, Julia was ready for her luau!
and presents. . .she likes this one!
Aunt Liz made her a sweater and hat. . .so sweet~
Papa and Nana knew the baby was perfect!
John and I gave her the buggy to fly the baby in!
Grandma and Grandpa with the perfect tea party table!
And our beautiful family. We are thankful for so much and had a wonderful day!