Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy 4th of July

The children and I headed up north while John went to Penn. for work. We left on Friday June 26th and John joined us that Monday. We stayed until the 4th and then returned home.
Here is John Michael thinking he is old enough to get his license. . .not quite yet boy!
Our friends Amy and Rudy joined us for a few days. . . Joslyn, John and Dylan were fine with the rocks. Julia was not!

These were their "tough" faces. I am sure Rudy's "tough" face is more intimidating when in uniform.

And this is my car! I WISH! John had it for 6 days as he drove it to Penn. for the car show. I would buy it if we could put 3 kids in it!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Love the photos. The kids look so cute in their 4th outfits.

I am definately intimidated by Rudy! Dylan, not so much because I know the giggle underneath it!